Brilliant Brunel Campaign

Brilliant Brunel campaign collateral of assets which were designed using the campaign guidelines

Open day postcards

Postcards designed for the university open days, four images of the main campaign heroes were used on the front of each post card and placed inside tote bags that were handed out during the open day.

Stop motion gif

As part of the onboarding process the marketing team reach out to students with further information before they arrive at the university alongside this students also receive a welcome pack containing branded university collateral or things student will find handy

The gif was sent out via email and on social media platforms

Adverts designed for Study In UK
(SI-UK) which is an international education consultant organisation.
The poster was designed to advertise the course to potential international students which would be advertised by SI–UK.

SI–UK Canada and India advert

Post Graduate Video

Video animation, promoting the university and posted on the university website and social media channels.

View on Instagram here


BruFest Poster


NSS 2024